Flip is designed to be set up with keys for registered users. When you
register Flip, I will send you a text file called 'Your Name Flip ID' (as
in 'Pete Johnson Flip ID' or 'Bruce Gerson Flip ID'). This text file
consists of a single line with your name followed by five characters. Don't
lose this file! When you configure Flip, copy this file to the same level
as Flip and rename it 'Flip ID' (no quotes, and make sure there's no space
character before the word 'Flip'). Flip will automatically install your key
from this file during configuration. If you don't have the key or forget to
install it, all messages from Flip will be identified as from 'Not
Registered.' When the key is installed, your proper name will be used. Once
you’ve configured Flip, you can remove this file (though don’t lose it --
you might need it to configure future revisions!).
[There are only two ways to get a registration key: you must either send me
a local private message on the Glassell Park BBS (213-254-4133) and receive
it as a reply to your message or else send me a disk with a stamped
self-addressed envelope. I will provide keys only to registered users of
Archie & mehitabel or AreaTrix & ff. I will NOT provide registration keys
via netmail or GEnie or any other commercial service -- please don’t ask me
to spend money in support of a utility I am offering for free!]
Copy Flip and the Flip ID file to the same level as TabbyNet. Open Flip
while holding down the mouse button to configure it. Supply the following
four items of information:
• Launch. This is normally the name of your BBS program. It is used only
when Flip can’t find a valid entry in the launch.next file. You can use the
Find button to select the name of this file.
• Info. This is the text file Flip uses to read lists of file names and
nodes. This file must be kept in the folder designated by the next field.
• Where. This is the folder where Flip finds its Info file and where it
processes files. You can use the Find button to select the name of this
• When. This is the day of the week on which you want Flip to run. Select the day by clicking the up and down arrows next to this text field. Always means that it will run every day.
Flip displays one additional field of information: Registered to. If your
name isn’t in this field, Flip messages from your BBS will be signed as
“Not Registered.” Flip sends a message with each file it forwards, so if
you’re using Flip you should register it.
In addition, you need to set up in the selected folder a text file matching
the name you entered in Flip’s Info field. Format for this file is as
; Flip Stuff
; Flip uses this text file to hold its information. This file should be
; installed in the selected folder where Flip can find it. It can be
; called anything you like, as long as you’ve configured Flip to use the
; name.
; Flip ignores all lines in this file which begin with a semicolon. The
; structure of this file is as follows:
; The first part contains from one to 10 Magic file names. Files
; beginning with these names will be routed to the nodes you designate.
; File names cannot be longer than 32 characters. Caps and lower case are
; not significant. If this section contains an asterisk, all files are
; sent.
; A bullet • separates this section from the next. You can type a bullet
; with Option-8.
; The second part contains from one to 10 node IDs of the form xxx/yyy.
; Node IDs can have up to 16 characters.
; A bullet • separates this section from the next.
; The third part is maintained by Flip. It consists of a list of up to 40
; file names which have already been sent. You can trim this list from
; the end if you have removed some or all of the files from the selected
; folder.
; The following is a typical Flip file. The last four lines represent files